Primary Attendance Hub
Our ambition is to have every child in school every day.
Aim of the Hubs
Attendance is one of the biggest challenges facing the school system today. The aim of school attendance hubs is to enable schools with strong attendance practice to share their approaches with senior leaders in other similar schools to help them to improve. Hubs will also facilitate an ongoing professional dialogue about attendance amongst school leaders on a peer support basis.
Attendance hubs are led by senior leaders in schools with effective attendance practice, in some of the largest trusts in the country. Through their hubs, these lead schools will share, in-depth, their strategies and resources for improving attendance.
Schools who join the hub will have access to half termly virtual hub meetings run by the lead school as an opportunity to share practice and discuss shared challenges with others. Participants will be expected to use learning and approaches from the hub to revise their schools’ existing systems for managing attendance to drive improvement.
Support is open to all state-maintained schools including primary, secondary, special schools and alternative provision providers. The programme is intended for senior leaders with oversight of attendance.
Session Slides
Contact the Primary Attendance Hub team.