Personal Development

Our Delta Aims

At Delta Academies Trust, we want all of our pupils to become the very best people they can be. We want them to:
• become well-rounded, knowledgeable citizens who are as well prepared as possible for life ahead
• recognise and celebrate their own uniqueness and that of others
• be proud of who they are
• confidently communicate their knowledge, views and dreams effectively.
Our personal development offer and personal, social and health education curriculum provide opportunities and learning to help our pupils achieve these ambitions. Our offer opens up a wide range of opportunities, experiences and activities that pupils can take part and achieve in, that will help them to gather opinions about, and make informed choices about, the world around them.

The Personal Development Framework

Our personal development framework is made up of two parts:
1. An offer of personal development experiences and opportunities across 16 strands
2. The personal, social and health education curriculum – supported by the ‘Jigsaw’ programme and resources.

How to use the Framework

1. The Personal Development Offer

The first part of the framework contains a wide offer of opportunities, activities and experiences that our pupils can have over their time in our Delta primary academies.

The opportunities are set out across 16 strands and most build on content from Early Years to Year 6.

Academy leaders will select the opportunities that their pupils access over their time in school. They will make sure that all pupils complete at least 6 personal development activities/opportunities each year.

For each one, they will be awarded a Delta Star Card. They will be able to put this into their. Delta Stars Album.

2. The PSHE Curriculum

The personal development offer is underpinned by a well-sequenced, precise, age-appropriate curriculum in personal, social and health education. We use the Jigsaw programme as it is well structured, provides plenty of opportunity for pupils to revisit concepts and is regularly updated to be in line with legislation and the national agenda.

We have taken the intended knowledge from each unit and set this out as ‘Take Aways’ – in the format of our own REC, so that expected knowledge is well understood by the staff in our academies. It clearly defines prior and subsequent knowledge that is built upon.

The Jigsaw programme sets out detailed lesson content, progression and timings for delivery. To support our pupils to recall the PSHE curriculum content, we have created knowledge organisers to support each unit. These help our pupils to make connections in their learning and talk about this with confidence.